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Komárom CACIB-Saturday:
Loncsosi-Bátor Áfonya: E1, HPJ (Owner: Burány Béla)
Komárom CACIB Derby- Sunday:
Loncsosi-Bátor Zenit: HPJ
Loncsosi-Bátor Áfonya: E2
Loncsosi-Bátor Borsó: Very proised
Loncsisi-Bátor Citrom: Very promised
Congratulation for results!
In Netherland Loncsosi-Bátor Örkény (white female) with Jesper Ravn went Best of Breed and she received Dutch Champion title. During this time in Kecskemét, Hungary Burány Béla with white female, Loncsosi-Bátor Áfonya received E2 result. Congratulation!
At Koppenhagen dog show Loncsosi-Bátor Arad got Junior Winner, Loncsosi-Bátor Örkény got Koppenhagen Winner and BOS results. Congratulation for Jesper Rawn!
That was a Fantastic Weekend!
At Saturday Loncsosi-Bátor Arad "Turbo" (white male) won Best of Breed, Junior BIS, and BIS 2 at Norway Club Show. Loncsosi-Bátor Örkény (white female) received BOS and Norway Champion titles. At this show the black and white pulis went together and the whites beat the blacks!!!! At Sunday at Várpalota Kuvasz Club Show Egedhegyi Cudar Abigél had excellent result. During this time at Oslo Europe Show Örkény got Europe Winner and BOB, Arad won Junior Europe Winner and BOS titles.
And in Germany at German Puli Club Show Loncsosi-Bátor Duna got Club Winner, Best of Breed and BOD titles!!! Congartulation Jesper Ravn for Örkény, Jesper Ravn and Pummer Kamilla for Arad, Béres Deák Oszkár for Abigél and Réka Rózsa for Duna! And Thank you so much all of you!! And thanks the help for Annamária Király, Melinda Meszaros and my Family!
At France Dog Shows Loncsosi-Bátor Gyertyán "Guess" won his second Best of Breed results. Congratulation Guess and Anne Sophie Trenteseaux!
Devecser CAC:
Loncsosi-Bátor Zenit: E1, HPJ, Junior BIS 4. place.
Herend CAC:
Loncsosi-Bátor Dinnye: E1, CAC
Loncosi-Bátor Zenit: E1, HPJ
Zenit accomplish the condition of Hungaria Junior Champion title.
B and C litter puppies almost 8 weeks old. Most of them will go to their new homes. Citrom (Lemon) and Borsó (Pea) the white ones stay with us. I hope they will be as good adult dogs as I see them now.
Our co-owned dog with Laczy Olivér, Gerle died because of a car accident. Gerle, you play with the other ones in the Heaven!
Loncsosi-Bátor Ánizs won her first Junior Winner and BOS titles in Polland. Congratulation Dorota and Ánizs.
At Sweden show Loncsosi-Bátor Örkény, Tinni received Swedihs Champion title. Thanks for Jesper Rawn!
Aligvári Artur arrived here. Artur is the son of Loncsosi-Bátor Rajka.
Thanks for the breeder Németh Lajos and his Family!
Székesfehérvár CACIB (Velence):
Loncsosi-Bátor Zenit E1, HPJ, BJ.
Thanks the handling for Wágner Elizabet!
World Dog Show Milano:
Loncsosi-Bátor Duna: CAC, R.CACIB.
Congartulation Maszat and Réka!
Half a day after Barka's puppies arrived Cifra's puppies. There are a surprise in the litter. Between the black puppies there are a white one! Rate: 2 boys:4 girls.
B litter arrived. There are 1 beautiful boy and 3 girls. Mother and babies are well.
We feel ourself very well at 2015 Puli Club Show, Salföld. There were a lot of good quality dog. Our dogs got the next results:
Dinnye E2, R.CAC (out of 4 excellent males)
Zenit E1, HPJ, Junior Club Winner (out of 8 excellent black and fawn junior females)
Duna E1, CAC. Congratulation for the arranging, professional judging, and congratulation all the pulis and owners!
At Polland, Leszno inthernationale dog show Dorota Korcz's dog, Loncsosi-Bátor Ánizs white puppy won the 4th best result in puppy BIS ring out of all breeds. Congratulation Ánizs and Dorota! And Loncsosi-Bátor Tündér Won CAC, CACIB, Best of Breed! Congratulation Epa Family!
Aligvári Csinos Rozi and Loncsosi-Bátor Rajka's puppies arrived. 3 white boys and 2 white girls are in the litter. Congratulation for the mother and the owner, Németh Lajos!
At Miskolc Maraton Dog Show Árminiczki János's dog, Ölyves won 2* CAC, 2* CACIB results. Congratulation János!!! :-)
At Chzech Republic, Ostawa Club Show Loncsosi-Bátor Bibe got excellent, Loncsosi-Bátor Ánizs got Best Puppy and Puppy Best in Show results and 2nd place in pair. Congratulation Dorota Korcz!
And a "love topic" again: Porgelóci Varázs grey female owned by Gyárfás László (Ipolyréti Vidám kennel) and Hauck Csaba visited our black male, Kispajtás. The result of the love will clear up 2 months later. I wish a lot of success!
"Odd one out" our kuvasz, Egedhegyi-Cudar Abigél fell in love. We expet little kuvaszes at the front of June.
Barka, the white female is also pregnant this spring. The father is Nádor. Puppies will arrive th the beginning of June.
We wait black (grey, white) puppies at the end of May from Cifra and Dinnye.
We mated our World Winner Tarna with Rábaszeri Bakter snow white male. We wait the puppies at the end of May.
Rábaszeri Csukma white male arrived to our kennel. We haven't succes for the puppy. A berserk bull terrier killed him. Rest in peace little Csukma.
Aligvári Csinka Rozi visited Rajka. I hope the result of the "love" will be succesfull.
At FeHoVa CACIB dog Show Budapest Kispajtás open black male got CAC, R.CACIB results, and Rajka intermediate white male received CAC, CACIB, BOS.
At breeding exam Rokka, Rajka and Ikva received "suitable for breeding" titles and Kispajtás got "suggestion for breeding".