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22. 12. 2010.

The year of 2010 was succesfull at dog shows for Loncsosi-Bátor pulis. In this year beside the lot of winner titles we brought 3 Europe Winner results out of 4 in the white puli breed. (From this dogs: Bibe was born in the kennel, but her owner is Dorota Pavlaczek; Száva wasn't born here, but she lives with us and we breed with her, so she is steady of our "team"; Ostor was born here and he lives here in the kennel). Thereupon the show results we recived a lot of champion titles: 

-Ostor: Hungária Grand Champion, Hungária Show Champion, Interchempion

-Tarna: Hungária Champion

-Száva: Hungária Champion

-Barka: Hungária Junior Champion (Club Winner, Derby Winner)

-Avar(the only black one):Hungária Junior Champion

-Bibe: Polish Junior Champion, Slovenian Champion

-Maszkos (maszkos fawn): Inetrchampion

-Ördög: Swedish Champion

In this way I would like to say thank you for the dogs that they loved the shows and to deal with us. Thanks for the owner, keeper that they like their dogs, they keep them very well and they endure the shows, the bredengs and the "stress of me".  :-) :

Tarna: Kuzma János and her wife, Margit

Barka: Nagy Julianna

Avar: Király Family

Zserbó: Kovács Attila and his Family

Duna: Varróné Rózsa Réka

Szilaj, Nemes, Erdély: Fehér Kinga and her Family

Rába: Kiss János

Dinnye: Fazekas Sánor

Szurok: Hajdú Krisztina

Bibe: Dororta Pawlaczek

Ördög, Maszkos: Heidi Valo

And thanks for the keeper of the other Loncsosi-Bátor pulis that they hold their pulis dear.

Eminently I have to say thank you for the lot of helps for my FAMILY.

22. 12. 2010.

I got a picture from Adorján Lajos about Loncsosi-Bátor Bolha-Pamacs. Bolha was born from the Loncsosi-Bátor kennel's second litter. I think he was the the best puli who had ever born from my kennel. He wouldn't been "just" the boast of Adorján Family and me, he would be the boast of the history of the white puli, if he have ever showed at dog show. Inspite of that he never was in shows, but he had excellent owners whos keep him wery well. Bolha-Pamacs went away 17th on Oktober in 2010. Adorján Family and Me keep her remembrance forever. Pictures of her are in the gallery and in the "in memoriam" pages.

28. 11. 2010.

CACIB Derby: We went at the show with expectancy and we arrived with pleasure. We had been waiting the show because we could meet with our friends, and we could comparison with a lot of beautiful pulis. And we are happy with the results. Julcsi with Barka got HPJ, Derby winner results. Tarna's titles are CAC, CACIB. With this products she recived the Hungária Champion diploma. Varróné Réka and Duna at the day before CACIB, Grand Prix show recived HPJ, and she was the best young puli out of the black and maszkos joungsters. At Derby she obtained Excellent 1, HPJ. Kinga brought Erdély to show us. Pictures in the gallery.

06. 11. 2010.

In sight of D litter we covered Gubanc with Rába. In the D litter from them there are some extra quality descendant, for example Duna and Dongó (they are in the best 5 dogs from Loncsosi-Bátor kennel). Duna, the maszkos female have introduced herself some dog show and she won reserve best puppy result. Dongó hopefully goes to dog show soon. The puppies will arrive from this covering at the front of January.

06. 11. 2010.

Subás last puppies arrived. In the last minute of the oppurtunity of the breedig age  we covered with Avar. The covering of the old female isn't succesfull but we want a beautiful female descendant from her. 2 puppies arrived. The borning wasn't succesfull. The first puppy cames natural, but the other one was by caesarian operation. All of them had been black female. The first puppy died, but the second one who got her name from a Hungarian grape variety, Furmint is healthy.The mother is healthy, too.

17. 10. 2010.

We were at Komárom CACIB. Tarna recived CAC, CACIB, Best of Breed results. Avar got R.CAC. We met with Kinga and Bogár who came from the D litter. Now he is 8 months old, beautiful, very promised puppy. Pictures in the gallery.

02. 10. 2010.

We were waiting the Europe Dog Show at Slovenia, Celje. We arrived there with 2 dogs, Ostor and Száva. Dorota and Michal came with Bibe (Száva's and Ostor's doughter) from Polland. The dog show was aproaching very easy, the halls was commodious, but not so clean. Among the pulis the conpetition wasn't so huge because there were very few pulis. But the results were excellent: Ostor is Europe Winner, Száva is Europe Winner and Best of Breed and Bibe, Dorota's dog is Young Europe Winner. With this CACIB result Ostor recived the condition of International Beauty Champion. Before the day at the Slovenian Club Show Bibe got Young Club Winner title and now she is Young Slovenian Champion.

I would like to say thanks for my FAMILY because of helps so we recived this fantastic results together. And thanks for my friend to give me good words, gratulations and helping critiques and  thanks for the people who give me jealous and negative thinks because all of them give strenght us to invigorate the Loncsosi-Bátor kennel and the pulis.

Pictures in the gallery.

05. 09. 2010.

We felt very well ourself at Mosonmagyaróvár CAC Show. Barka and Avar won HPJ results, so they reached the Hungaria Junior Champion titles. Tarna recived CAC, and Best of Breed. Szilaj got excellent result. Pictures in the gallery.


Dear my friends, dog owners, breeders!

I have been victim of a cheating! Somebody registered on Facebook in my name. This person made a registration page where he/she have used my pictures of my dogs from my webppage, and put some bastard pictures about "my Family". My tenet is that I never register in common portals, for example on Facebook, or iwiw.  So if somebody contact with the cheater, he/she didn't contact with me. I do some provision against the cheater. I would be happy if somebody contact or speak with me. If somebody want to keep connection with me, please do it by e-mails from my webpage, or by phone.


Zsuzsa Bátor

20. 08. 2010.

At 20th of August the saint celebrity of establishment of Hungarian state we were at Devecser CAC dog show.The kennel Loncsosi-Bátor recived a lot of beautiful results. Barka won HPJ. Tarna, the favourite dog of Kuzma family, obtained CAC and Best of Breed. Avar got HPJ and he was the Reserve Junior Best in Show winner. Varroné Rózsa Réka's dog, Duna from my kennel was very promised puppy and she won the Puppy Reserve Best in Show. Pictures in the gallery.

15. 08. 2010.

We went to Szeged Club show with 5 dogs. Laczy Olivér and my white male puppy, Erdély got promised title. Nagy Julianna and my young white female, Barka recived HPJ, Young Club Winer result beetween 3 pulis. Ostor and Száva obtained CACs. And Zserbó recived very good title. Afternoon Ostor and Száva took the 2nd best brace, and the kennel Loncsosi-Bátor won the best breeding groupe with Ostor, Barka and Erdély. Erdély was the baby BIS out of 2 puppy. With this results Száva became Hungarian champion, and Ostor became Hungaria Grand Champion. We felt ourself very well. Pictures in the gallery.

14. 08. 2010.

New pictures about Cifra in breeding candidate.

17. 07. 2010.

At Szombathely CACIB we brought a lot results. In white colour Ostor took CAC, CACIB, Nemes got CAC. In other colour Avar got HPJ with Király Annamária, Szurok got R.CAC with Hajdú Krisztina, and Dune recived very promised puppy with Rózsa Réka. Pictures in the gallery.

08. 07. 2010.

Zserbó had a new Family, and she have felt herself very well. All member of the E litter have new owners. Erdély is the one who stay with Laczy Olivér and our kennel together. I hope he will be excellent adult and he can invigorate the white pulis.

10. 06. 2010.

New pictures in the gallery about Komárom Special Puli CAC, Székesfehérvár CAC, offsprings from Loncsosi-Bátor Kennel and the 6 weeks old E litter.

06. 06. 2010.

In Székesfehérvár Avar got excellent 3, Száva got CAC and Ostor recived CAC, Best of Breed results.

30. 05. 2010.

Surrounded beautiful environment at Nagyvázsony CAC the Loncsosi-Bátor pulis take the conventional results. Száva won CAC. Ostor was CAC, and best of breed in a populous field. Avar and Zserbo recived excellent 2 results.

24. 05. 2010.

In Komárom at Bordács Imre puli special CAC Száva and Ostor won CACs, Avar and Zserbo excellent 2 results. Derce behave was very good in her first show and she recive Baby BIS cup.

14. 05. 2010.

The most afflicted events were in this week in the kennel Loncsosi-Bátor. Csimbók, the old white female went away after a long disease. Csimbók was 11 years old, she had a lot of champion titles and excellent offsprings. She was the most insistent, the cleverest, kind female. We keep her in our memory forever. The other terrible events was the illness of 4 members of D litter and Cifra. Probably because of a deffective vaccine 2 of them, Dömper and Dézsa were died during 1,5 days in spite of the vet treatments. Dinnye and Cifra (whose didn't got the same vaccine) are right now after some enervation. But we have been fighting for Derce's life. Now she looks better.

There were huge loss in this week.

16. 05. 2010.

New pictures in the gallery.

02. 05. 2010.

Composite results come from Kapuvár CAC dog show. Pukkancs and Száva, the 2 "old" white puli got  CAC results. Avar's and Zserbo's introduce wasn't so bright. The owner of Avar can't deal with him so he got excellent first result without title. Zserbo was afraid a little bit so she got very good result.

21. 04. 2010.

The newest happy event is in the Loncsosi-Bátor Kennel together with Fehér Kinga breeder. Puppies arrived from Szilaj (black female) and Rába (grey male). The mother and the puppies are excellent. There are 4 boys in the litter. It is so exciting that the mother is black, the father is gray and one of the puppies is white. In all the 2 litters in L-B kennel this year white puppies come from black-grey parents. This white puppies will improve the potential of genes of white pulis.

19. 04. 2010.

New pictures about D litter in the gallery.

15. 03. 2010.

New pictures in the gallery about the 6 weeks old D litter and some offspring of Loncsosi-Bátor.

21. 02. 2010.

New pictures about the 3 week old D litter.

14. 02. 2010.

Délibáb went back to her breeder. A lot of succes for the dog.

10. 02. 2010.

New pictures in the gallery about the 9 months old Avar.

02. 02. 2010.

Pictures about Gubanc's and Rába's 3 days old puppies in the gallery.

30. 01. 2010

Gubanc and Raba's puppies were born! There are 5 boys and 3 girls in the litter. The litter's colour is composite. There are 1 white pup, 1 maszkos fawn pup, and 6 black seemed puppies. In 5-7 weeks old it will be clear who will be gray and who will stay in black colour.

27. 01. 2010.

A lot of photos was arrived in January from the Loncsosi-Bátor puli's owners: from Ida and Wim about Vérmes Banjer, from Sussi about Bogyo-Jessie, from Ildikó about Bicske-Pulcsi, from Dorota and Michal about Bibe, and from Tiina about Bige-Pumpuli. All the puppies look very happy with their owners. Pictures on the galery.